What We Do

At One Common Thread, we are helping to empower women in Central America, specifically Honduras. By working with us, we give them the opportunity to work and earn an income as well as provide for other needed items.

Here at One Common Thread, we believe in the importance of developing self-worth by working to improve their living conditions.  When there is sacrifice and work our women feel better about themselves, and what they have accomplished and earned on their own.   

Many of the women we help only have a 6th grade education. Our women learn the craft of English Paper Piecing (EPP).  We also teach them how to make basted hexagons by hand. The women are paid per hexagon, so the challenge to produce is motivating.

Once enough hexagons are constructed and sewn, they are packaged into "Kits" or into a beautiful quilt and brought back to the United States and sold on our online store. From those online purchases of a Kit, Quilt, or other finished products allows us to create sustainable funding for the women's immediate needs. These purchases or donations allow our organization to provide the money needed for items such as food, formula, diapers, beds, tin roofs, cement floors, refrigerators, stoves, tuition for their children's schooling and uniforms, and sometimes at their request, tuition for them to attend a trade school.

In the future, we hope to expand our efforts to others parts of the world where poverty is high and an opportunity to earn an income is low or non-existent. 

Read from CNN: Why Hondurans Are Taking to the Streets and Leaving Honduras