Make A Donation

Thank you for choosing to give to our Makers! 

Every gift goes toward helping keep each of our dear women employed.

  • At One Common Thread we provide work for women living in poverty in Central America.  Every woman is taught the skill of English Paper Piecing so she can make hexagon quilts in a variety of sizes.  Each of our women are paid an agreed upon price for every quilt they make and every hexagon they produce so they can have a sustainable income.  
  • Once the quilts are sold we turn around and use the proceeds and donations to buy building materials to improve their living conditions.  We purchase ovens to replace open fires inside of the home, and refrigerators to keep food lasting longer.  We also help the women with medical care and education expenses for themselves and their children.  
  • In Honduras most people in poverty only have a 6th grade education because that is when the government stops paying for public education.  That leaves girls especially vulnerable to staying home to take care of silbings so the mother can work washing clothes for neighbors or begging with the children on the street.  Our aim is to keep those children all in school with the supplies necessary to complete their secondary education.  
  • We have so many hopes and dreams for these women as we continue to help them believe in themselves, and pursue a better future.  
Empowering women in Central America,
by developing self-worth with an opportunity to work,
receive a sustainable income,
and set a new standard for their children. 
We do that one hexagon at a time.